Are You Ready To Sow The Seeds Of Your Potential?
It is that time of year again! Seed time! What are you growing this year?
Living here in Northern New England, I have learned to think of late winter as early-early spring. I use this time, while the Earth is just beginning to stir from within, to envision this year’s garden.
As I align myself with the garden’s plans, my eagerness and enthusiasm grows. I can see the bright flowers, smell the sweet earthy fragrance of the soil, taste the sweetness of the juicy fruits.
I envision the garden with all my senses until I am compelled to get up and get started. The ground is still frozen. Its not time to dig in yet, but I don’t let that stop me. There is much that I can do to get started making my dream come true.
I head right to my local greenhouse, gather my supplies, and begin making my plans.
Which plants will I grow from seed myself? Which varieties do I want to grow? What are its optimal growing conditions? Can I provide it with what it needs? When do I start it? Does it do better being sown indoors or out?
As I answer all these questions, I usually end up with a few piles of seed packages. Seeds I can sow indoors now; seeds I can sow indoors later; seeds to sow outdoors as soon as the soil can be worked and seeds to be sown outdoors after danger of frost has passed.
I enjoy planting my seeds with the rhythms of the Earth and the Heaven’s above. For centuries farmers have paid attention to the skies when planting. The moon moves the ocean’s tides, would you be surprised to learn that it also moves the moisture in a plant’s roots to its leaves?
I have sown the seeds that can be started indoors now. I have offered them a safe, warm, bright space and they have already sprouted!
I will continue to tend them daily with lots of love and I will water them when they need it. As they grow beyond their starter pots, I will transplant them carefully.
Through out the growing process, I will honor them and give them thanks. Thank you, for growing with me.
For me gardening is a way of life. Knowledge becomes wisdom through experience. I have learned so much about myself and about life in the process of gardening.
When we grow a garden, we grow.
What would you like to be growing this year? Are you ready to plant the seeds of your potential?
If you are inspired to connect and share the vision for your life’s garden, I’d love to hear from you! Please, contact me.